Friday, August 19, 2011


went out to FRIM Kepong with my sister and a friend bak for a simple, well not really a photoshoot but just for the sake of errrmmm killing time ..? heee

i can't promise when exactly i'll work on those photos taken with my camera (of course you are aware that these were taken with iphone don't you?), but i hope i won't let myself down as usual.
haha.happy weekend people :D

FRIM Kepong
FRIM Kepong
FRIM Kepong
FRIM Kepong
FRIM Kepong
FRIM Kepong

p/s : thank you stranger *wink*


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Feet

from this,
Lying On The Easy Stream

to this,

hahaha my sun burnt feet.i know i look funny !


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rainy Day in Yonsei

I know I'm a bit (too) late (perhaps?), but hey I just got my iphone instagram installed so I guess I would give it a try :) It turned out pretty good hehehe.
These photos were taken during the heavy rain in Seoul few weeks back.This was the beginning of those heavy floods and landslides which caused numerous death (if you had seen the news you would know).
Oh I hope those in Korea are doing fine now.

at the main gate of Yonsei University
suddenly there's a fountain in our school XD
on my way to class
look! that is such a loooooooong worm! I wish I had better lens attached on my iphone though hah!

p/s : happy Ramadhan all :D


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Update (s)

Hello :) so here are a few updates :

  1. I am currently in Malaysia for my short summer break weehu!
  2. I am currently celebrating Ramadhan with my beloved ones here.Double Weeeehu weehu!
  3. I am currently in the lazy mood so all I do is eat+sleep hah!
  4. I will ( I hope) soon start shooting again.
  5. I miss my friends too hihihi
  6. I lost my Malaysian phone and number. Wait did I just say I lost it? Oh yeah, I did hmmm 

Happy fasting everybody :D

Alone, Again.
I Sit Besides My Lonely Fire . And Pray For Wisdom
Somehow, A Beautiful Thing Is Never Perfect
